Shoulder Joint Pain Treatment

Friday, November 30, 2012

Shoulder Dislocations

Study finds young men most at risk
According to a study that appeared in March 2010 in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, the majority of all shoulder dislocations occur during sports activities, and young men are at the highest risk.
In fact, this study found that of all dislocations, 71.8 percent were in men; 46.8 percent were in patients between 15-29 years old; and 48.3 percent occurred during sports or recreation. 
I’ve noticed similar trends in my practice and often find myself educating patients about the signs of a dislocated shoulder. 
Although individuals experience a variety of symptoms, the most common indications include significant pain in the upper arm, swelling, numbness, weakness and bruising. The shoulder can also appear out of place or may appear deformed.  The most severe shoulder dislocation injuries may even involve torn ligaments or tendons, which can be extremely painful. 
Depending on the severity of the dislocation, treatment options will vary. In general, treatment usually involves an orthopedic surgeon manipulating the arm bone and placing it back in the shoulder socket. This should stop the pain and allow for the injured tissue to heal.  However, if the injury is more extensive and involves severely torn ligaments and tendons, surgery may be necessary.
I advise my patients to see an orthopedic surgeon right away if they notice any symptoms related to a dislocated shoulder. An orthopedic shoulder specialist  will be able to diagnosis the injury and identify the best possible treatment option.
*Source: The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS)

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Comment on Rotator Cuff vs Frozen Shoulder by Adrian

It’s inevitable that at some point in your life, you will suffer some sort of injury.  One of the most stubborn and nagging injuries to incur is a shoulder injury.  Simple because we take using our shoulder on a daily basis for granted and it’s not until we injury it that we realize how important a properly functioning shoulder is.

When you do suffer a shoulder injury, it’s important to first learn which type it is.  The two most common shoulder injuries are Rotator Cuff and Frozen Shoulder.  So what exactly makes them different?  What are the symptoms of a Rotator Cuff injury vs a Frozen Shoulder injury?

Let’s first take a look at a frozen shoulder injury.

Frozen shoulder or “adhesive capsulitis” is a term that is used to describe all shoulder injuries that result in the loss of motion to the shoulder. It is more commonly reported by women as opposed to men.

Frozen shoulder symptoms are more characterized by:

Loss of motion in the shoulder jointDifficulty in raising the arm above the head, across the body or behind the back

The actual causes of Frozen shoulder are still somewhat of a mystery but it commonly occurs after extended periods of immobilization, a past history of shoulder surgery or severe blunt trauma to the shoulder.  Also if you have inflammation of the shoulder tissues where the capsule surrounding the shoulder joint thickens and contracts, it’s this inflammation that can leave less space for the upper arm bone(humerous) to move about freely.

Most traditional treatments for Frozen shoulder can include:

Specific exercise routineAnti-inflammatory drugs and medicationsMuscle relaxantsHeat and ice cold therapyCortisone injections

The worse thing you can do if you have frozen shoulder is staying totally sedentary.  The lack of movement, mobility and blood supply will only make your condition worse.  You need to stay moving so you don’t totally freeze and seize up(hence the name “frozen shoulder”).

It’s best recommended to avoid any and all exercises/activities that cause you discomfort and pain.   Perform stretching and range of motion exercises with the affected arm daily and apply heat and ice daily. Stick to the program.  When it comes to beating frozen shoulder, there really is truth in slow and steady wins the race.  And in this case, you will win the race against frozen shoulder. Make sure the exercises you do for Frozen shoulder are specific to this condition; otherwise you may be doing more harm than good which will result in a longer recovery period.

And then there is the rotator cuff injury.

Injuries to the rotator cuff and its supporting tendons are common in the workplace and athletic arena’s alike.  It doesn’t discriminate against age or gender.

Rotator cuff injury symptoms can include any of the following:

Muscles weakness when extending arm outwards and upwardsLack of shoulder mobility and limited range of motionConstant pain when performing activities that require the arm to stay overhead for an extended period of time(ie: painting a ceiling)Cracking or grinding sound when you move your arm forward or backwards / or laterally away from youSoreness, tenderness or dull pain in the shoulderShoulder pain at night, especially sleeping on your injured side

But here’s the good news!

Regardless of whether you are suffering from a frozen shoulder or rotator cuff injury, there are simple steps and rotator cuff exercises that you can take, that are immediately effective in treating both injuries!  And the best part is that you can do it at home!

In fact, all it really takes to completely eliminate your rotator cuff and frozen shoulder injury are 4 simple, step-by-step techniques that you can do from the comfort of your own living room, while watching your favorite television show – without the need for any special exercise equipment or gadgets!

rotator cuff or frozen shoulder

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Comment on Non Surgical Treatment Options for Rotator Cuff Injuries by Lani Picard

non surgical options rotator cuff Not many people think that going under the knife for any type of surgery is a walk in the park or a procedure to take lightly.  Surgery should only be performed when all other options have been explored and implemented.

As with rotator cuff injuries, there are specific non-surgical treatment options that you should entertain first before opting for surgery.

It’s important to know that a complete tear to your rotator cuff can only be repaired and re-attached surgically.  But the majority of other types of rotator cuff injuries, it is possible to treat and cure using non-invasive, nonsurgical treatment methods.

Options to look at for rotator cuff recovery can include cortisone/steroid injections, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy through various exercise routines. For individuals who participate in contact sports or are required to use your arm frequently overhead, then it’s not uncommon for Doctors to recommend rotator cuff surgery.

Rotator cuff injury treatments using non-surgical means and methodologies can sometimes require that the patient makes changes to their normal activities and refrain from any sort of contact sports or overhead movements and actions.

The bottom line is that you will want to avoid all activities that may cause your rotator cuff symptoms such as pain and weakness to increase.  Ensure that your Doctor performs a rotator cuff physical examination to make sure you have a torn rotator and not some other shoulder injury.

The manipulation and control of rotator cuff injuries by selecting nonsurgical methods can give your shoulder some much needed pain relief and increase your shoulder’s range of motion, which is imperative to a full recovery and return to normal participation levels.

For many rotator cuff sufferers, their first symptom is shoulder pain, especially at night.  Then following pain is shoulder weakness.  There are many ways to deal with the pain but the only way to strengthen your rotator cuff and deal with the weakness is by performing specific rotator cuff exercises.

A main reason to avoid rotator cuff surgery altogether is that there is an inherent risk that goes with surgical procedures such as infections, complications from anesthesia and permanent stiffness.   Opting for non-surgical procedures ensures that you don’t have to take time off work or lose compensation because of your injury.

For obvious reasons, if your rotator cuff injury occurred over a 12 to 18 months ago, then non-surgical procedures could inevitably be a waste of time.  Also, if you know for a fact that the tear in your rotator cuff is greater than 3 centimeters, then you may have no other option but surgery.

Below are a set of non surgical options for a rotator cuff injury.  I have listed them in what I believe to be the least to most effective ways to recover:

Taking anti-inflammatory medicationUse of a slingSteroid injectionRest and limitation of overhead activityRotator cuff strengthening exercisesHome treatment programs

Did you know that number 6 existed(Home treatment programs)?

Many individuals have heard of the top 5, non-invasive options for rotator cuff treatment but not many people realize or know that you can treat and repair your torn rotator cuff at home.

The most exciting part about home based treatment is that you don’t need to shell out hundreds of dollars of your hard earned cash on Doctors, medical gadgets or exercise equipment.  When you click on the button below, a video will show you just how easy it is to recover from a rotator cuff injury at home!

non surgical options rotator cuff treatment

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Comment on Rotator Cuff Healing by Shelley Cowie

healing rotator cuffA torn rotator cuff is one the most commonly reported type of repetitive strain injury that affects the shoulder.  They are occur frequently in the workplace or from participating in various sports activities.  When you suffer from a rotator cuff injury, healing it properly can help prevent possible re-injury in the future.

To be sure that it is a rotator cuff injury that you are suffering from, it is always best advised to get diagnosed by a medical doctor, the first method of treatment is rarely invasive. Unfortunately, the majority of doctors will recommend taking anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) as a first course of action which does not address the root cause of your pain but only provides temporary relief.  Your doctor may also suggest you modify your daily activities that are contributing to your shoulder pain to prevent additional damage.  But the sad truth is that many people are simply unable to do so.

The next step in healing your rotator cuff correctly is a combination of low resistance and high repetition exercises to help your injury heal faster and stronger.  The low resistance rotator cuff exercises can simply be gravity alone(ie: no weight, just the movement) or extremely light weights(ie: water bottles as weight is enough for most), so your injury is not further aggravated.

It is of the utmost importance that you ensure that your movements are controlled and slow which aids in the expansion and lengthening of your rotator cuff muscles.  This is nescessary because one or more the four muscles may have contracted due to lack of activity and movement.

When you perform specific, targeted exercises at a high repetition count, you are promoting the development of new blood vessels in your injured shoulder region. As a result, fibroblasts multiply and make collagen fibers, which make tendons and muscles heal thicker and stronger. In the end, your shoulder joint will be better supported.

There is no arguing that exercise plays a huge role in the healing, recovery and elimination of your rotator cuff tear symptoms. An increase in circulation when your muscle contracts as you exercise, and an increased blood flow promotes healthy tissue regeneration and repair.

When getting prepared to heal your rotator cuff with exercise, keep in mind:

Always go for form over weightDon’t push yourself to the point of pain, if something just does not feel right – stop immediatelyBegin with the scapular exercises, as they are bigger muscles to help build a strong solid foundationIf you have signs of inflammation or swelling, focus on just the movements or use light weight with higher repetitions(15) – this will accelerate the healing process

But for those who are completely fed up with their rotator cuff injury and want to heal it safely, quickly and without spending a small fortune on doctors and physical therapy visits, here is your chance!

You can cure your rotator cuff injury without having to leave the comfort of your own home.  In fact, all it really takes are 4 simple, step-by-step techniques that you can do at home without any medical gadgets or special exercise equipment!

rotator cuff healing

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You can get kicked out of the army for a rotator cuff injury?

Having a rotator cuff injury will limit the physical capacity in terms of moving the arm. In addition, there would be the need to give enough shoulder rest for recovery. In the army, have an injury can lead to disqualification, which would require the person to take a license until he gets to prove that he is fit to serve again.

To restore the perfect physical health, there would be the need to fulfil the rotator cuff recovery Kit and the effective exercise of the rotator cuff, which would provide. These rotator cuff exercises would have a good sense of variety so that there is a better motivation on your part.

You will also be informed of the things that you should avoid so as not to worsen the injury. Without surgery or painkillers, you'll find that the shoulder is getting strength back in good shape just by doing these exercises for the rotator cuff. Get the rotator cuff recovery Kit and be on your way to getting back in the army with a much stronger pair of shoulders that would always repeat injuries.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Aging Shoulder

Recently I’ve seen an increase in the number of elderly patients experiencing shoulder arthritis, which is less common than arthritis of the hip and knee, but can be just as debilitating.

As we move into our 30s and 40s, our muscles and tendons can begin to degenerate and weaken, predisposing the shoulder joint to wear and tear disorders.  While rotator cuff injuries are the most common cause of problems in the aging shoulder, arthritis is also a frequent source of pain and disability. 
If you have experienced a previous shoulder injury or are genetically predisposed to shoulder arthritis, it’s important to be familiar with the symptoms of this condition so that you can address any arthritis problems early and prevent extensive damage. The most common symptoms include:

• Pain with activities
• Limited range of motion
• Night-time discomfort
• A feeling of grinding or catching within the joint

Similar to other arthritic conditions, initial treatment of shoulder arthritis is usually nonsurgical and may incorporate physical therapy and medications. Nonsurgical treatments may include shoulder exercises, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (e.g., ibuprofen, Advil or naproxen) and the application of moist heat or ice two or three times a day to reduce inflammation and ease pain. If nonsurgical treatments do not reduce the pain, surgery may become an option. Not all treatments are appropriate in every patient, and you should have a discussion with your orthopedic doctor to determine which treatments are appropriate for your condition.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Comment on Rotator Cuff Tear by crystal

rotator cuff tear It’s not uncommon for people with shoulder problems to simply ignore the pain and attribute it to ‘getting old’ or ‘I must have slept on my shoulder the wrong way’.  The sad truth is that you may have something a little more serious going on such as a rotator cuff tear, the most common type of shoulder injury.

A tear in your rotator cuff usually doesn’t happen overnight.  They mostly occur from performing repetitive actions and tasks over and over again.  These repetitive actions are mostly performed in the workplace or some type of sporting activity.

Performing activities that require constant overhead lifting, heavy lifting, pitching/throwing a ball, painting walls and ceilings, swimming, volleyball and all of the raquet sports are all considered high risk activities that can lead to and develop into a rotator cuff tear.  It’s not as common but you can also suffer from a rotator cuff tear as a result of a fall onto your shoulder or blunt force trauma to the shoulder.

It’s not uncommon to experience pain in your shoulder if you are driving for a long period of time, if you reach out above your head to catch a ball or simply reaching behind your back into your pants pocket to retrieve your wallet.

Some of the common symptoms that rotator cuff tears sufferers report are:

a decrease in your shoulder and arms normal range of motion and flexibilityweakness and tenderness in your shoulderconstant dull pain and aching when performing activities that require your arms to be overhead for extended periods of timecracking or grating sound when you raise your arm out to the side or in front of youshoulder pain that gets worse as the day goes on, trouble sleeping on your injured shoulder sidelack of mobility in your injured shouldermuscle weakness when you attempt to lift your arm out to your side or in front of you

One of the many misconceptions about a rotator cuff tears is that the rotator cuff is just one muscle.  When in fact the rotator cuff is actually comprised of four muscles.

Subscapularis muscle

The subscapularis muscle helps primarily in the internal rotation of the shoulder. When we throw a ball, it’s this muscle that is responsible with the follow through part of throwing. It also enables us to lower our arm downwards, towards the side of our body.

Supraspinatus muscle

As the name indicates, “supra”, it’s the largest muscle of the rotator cuff.  It helps stabilize the head of the humerus bone. Its primary function is to aid the deltoid muscles lift the shoulder away from the body.

The majority of tears to the rotator cuff occurs in this muscle and can often take the longest time to heal. The reason why this happens is simply because of the size of the muscle and the strain and pressure it takes in the majority of movements with the shoulder day in and day out.  I should also point out that this muscle does not get any supply of blood.

Infraspinatus muscle

The infraspinatus muscle helps with overhead reaching and catching of items, aids in shoulder stabilization and works as an external rotator.  I should also add that the teres minor muscle is also involved with these shoulder activities. This smaller muscle aids in the resistance and slowing of your arm after you throw a ball or any other item that involves a throwing action or movement.

Teres Minor muscle

The lonely teres minor muscle as the name indicates, “minor”, simply is a “partner-in-crime” to the infraspinatus muscle that aids in shoulder stability and external shoulder rotation.

It’s important to note that the long head of your bicep muscle helps stabilize and flex your shoulder but it’s not part of the rotator cuff set of muscles.

The primary role of the rotator cuff is to provide stability to the glenohumeral joint, the most important joint in the shoulder!

So now you’ve hopefully learned a little more about your rotator cuff tear but what is the ultimate rotator cuff training and best option for treatment for strengthening your shoulder?

All it really takes to completely recover from a rotator cuff tear using 4 simple, step-by-step techniques that you can do from the comfort and convenience of your own living room without any special exercise equipment or gadgets!

rotator cuff tear

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“Thaw” a Frozen Shoulder

Four Ways to “Thaw” a Frozen Shoulder

As it appeared in the Indianapolis Star - September 16, 2008

By Barb Berggoetz

Stiff, painful shoulders causing problems?

While the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons estimates the disorder affects about 2 to 3 percent of people in this country, Dr. Pete Sallay, of Methodist Sports Medicine/The Orthopedic Specialists, believes the number is higher because many are misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all.

“Many people are thought to have bursitis or arthritis because the initial stages of the disorder can mimic these diseases,” he said.

Although the exact cause is unknown, certain factors may increase your risk: age (40-70 years), gender (women are affected three times more than men), diabetes, thyroid conditions, cardiovascular disease and lung disease.

Here are ways Sallay says to identify the disorder and encourage the thaw:

Recognize the signs: Onset is gradual; initial stage results in vague pain or constant dull ache in shoulder, radiating into the arm. Gradual stiffening occurs over weeks or months, as the capsule surrounding the joint thickens and shrinks. Rapid movements may cause sharp pain that can linger.

Understand the stages: First “freezing” stage can last six weeks to nine months, with onset of pain and loss of motion. Over the next four to nine months, in the “frozen” stage, pain may improve but stiffness remains. In the “thawing” stage, shoulder motion slowly returns to normal, but physical therapy is needed.

Seek medical advice: Many patients ignore temporary symptoms. If significant pain progresses, combined with stiffness, restricted range of motion and night pain in arm, seek the care of an orthopedic surgeon.

Know treatment options: Treatment consists of anti-inflammatory medications, occasional injections and, in later stages, physical therapy. Heat and cold can relieve short-term pain. Surgery may be needed if symptoms don’t improve.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Avoiding Common Shoulder Injuries

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, nearly six million people a year go to the doctor’s office for a shoulder sprain, strain, dislocation or other shoulder problem.

Shoulder injuries are frequently caused by athletic activities that involve excessive, repetitive, overhead motion, such as swimming, tennis, pitching and weightlifting. Injuries also can occur during everyday activities such as washing walls, hanging curtains and gardening.

To prevent injury, there are a number of exercises that you can use to help strengthen the shoulder muscles. A basic strength training program and stretching program done three days per week is usually sufficient to maintain overall muscle integrity. The stronger and more flexible your joints, the more easily they are able to withstand impact or hold up under repetitive motions. You may also consider working with a physical trainer to ensure that you are using proper body mechanics, which also can help prevent shoulder injury.

If you are experiencing pain in your shoulder, there are a few things you should consider:  

• Is the shoulder stiff? Can you rotate your arm in all the normal positions? 

• Does it feel like your shoulder could pop out or slide out of the socket? 

• Do you lack the strength in your shoulder to carry out your daily activities? 

If any of these things are a factor, you should consult an orthopedic surgeon for help in determining the severity of the problem. If you are suffering from a shoulder injury, such as a strain, capsule tear, bursitis, tendonitis, or a separation or dislocation, medical care should be sought immediately.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Comment on RICE Treatment Method by Will

rice treatment methodFor many injuries, it can be true that less is more.  When it comes to a rotator cuff injury, there is an effective treatment method that you can implement straight away if you want to decrease your shoulder pain.

It is not only effective when it comes to easing the pain associated with a rotator cuff injury but it can also prove effective for treating any sort of repetitive strain injury.

When it comes to completely recovering from any repetitive strain injury, the most effective pathway to recovery is to implement strengthening exercises to improve weakness and the return to normal range of motion and eliminate stiffness.

Without knowing exactly which exercises will help your injury, choosing to implement the R.I.C.E. treatment method is not only recommended as a first step but it should be used as a complementary treatment method to a specific exercise program.

So what is the term R.I.C.E. short for?

It means Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. The purpose of each of these individuals steps are to aid in the reduction of swelling and inflammation of your rotator cuff muscles and tendons.  Let’s go into further details about what exactly each step involves.

1. Rest – Besides the obvious of not making your injury even worse, there are 2 reasons why resting is vital after your suffer a rotator cuff injury.  First, it protects your injured tendon, muscles and ligaments from further damage such as a complete tear of the rotator cuff and secondly, it allows your body’s natural defence mechanisms to “kick in” and start the natural repair process.

2. Ice – Any person who has taken a basic first aid course knows that the first thing you do after someone sustains a muscle or tendon injury is apply ice.  Ice immediately numbs the area and helps control pain.  The application of Ice decreases the amount of blood flow to the injured area and helps decrease swelling. If you don’t have any ice packs, a bag of frozen vegetables will do the trick. To decrease the chances of tissue and skin damage, it’s recommended that you only apply ice for 15 minutes.

3. Compression – Applying pressure, aka Compression aids in the reduction of inflammation plus it can provide temporary pain relief. All that is required is an elastic bandage which gets wrapped up and around your shoulder region. How do you know if the bandage is too tight?  You’ll feel a throbbing sensation in your shoulder if the bandage is wrapped too tight. When this happens, re-wrap the bandage with less pressure.

4. Elevation – Although this step doesn’t really apply to a rotator cuff injury but is more so directed towards limbs and injuries that are below heart level.  Elevating your arm, or leg above heart level can also decrease swelling and inflammation.

In taking proactive measures and implementing the RICE treatment methods, you can dramitcally increase your rate of recovery as opposed to doing nothing at all.

If your shoulder pain does not subside in a couple of days, it’s best advised to seek medical attention as there could be something more serious going on.

But for those who are suffering from a rotator cuff injury and want to repair and recover from it at home without the need for any medical intervention or the use of expensive medical gadgets…click on the button below where a video will show you how!

treatment method rice

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Separated vs. a Dislocated Shoulder

Patients often believe that the terms dislocated shoulder and separated shoulder can be used interchangeably but they are in fact two different types of injuries. 
A shoulder separation refers to the stretching or tearing of ligaments where the collarbone (clavicle) meets the shoulder blade (scapula), also called the acromioclavicular or AC joint. If these ligaments partially or completely tear, the clavicle can slip forward and detach from the scapula.

Typically this type of injury occurs as a result of a sudden, traumatic event such as a direct blow to the shoulder (e.g., football tackle) or a fall onto an outstretched hand (e.g., falling off a bicycle or horse).  A person that has a separated shoulder will experience some very common symptoms such as severe pain at the time of the injury, swelling, minor deformity and / or bruising.
In comparison, a dislocated shoulder occurs when the head of the upper arm bone (the humerus) “pops” out of the socket. A shoulder can dislocate forward, backward or downward, and may cause tendons and ligaments in the shoulder to tear. The most common symptoms of a dislocated shoulder include swelling, numbness, weakness and bruising. The muscles in a person’s shoulder also may begin to spasm due to the disruption, intensifying the initial pain. 
Treatment options for a shoulder separation and a shoulder dislocation also are quite different.
If a patient experiences a less severe shoulder separation an orthopedic shoulder specialist will typically try to treat it nonsurgically. However, severe separations in an upward direction or dislocations in the backward or downward directions often require surgery to repair the ligaments.
A patient with a dislocated shoulder will often be treated in the emergency room, where a doctor will pull on the shoulder until the joint is realigned and the upper arm bone in back in place. Additional treatment from an orthopedic shoulder specialist maybe required at a later date, based on the patient’s age, persistent dislocation of the shoulder, and the injury of underlying soft-tissue either to the rotator cuff or the capsulolabral complex.
Life after a shoulder separation or dislocation can be greatly affected for several weeks or even months. Most shoulder injuries whether treated surgically or nonsurgically require a period of immobilization followed by rehabilitation. If the injury was not severe, there is fairly rapid improvement and return of function after the first 4 to 6 weeks. Shoulder exercises, usually as part of a supervised physical therapy program, are usually necessary, as it helps to decrease stiffness, improve range of motion and regain muscle strength.
Shoulder injuries are common and everyone can expect to injure his or her shoulder at some point in their life. If it’s a shoulder dislocation or a shoulder separation, the most important thing to remember is that immediate medical care from a qualified orthopedic shoulder specialist is the best course of action.

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Q & A with Dr. Dale Snead

As it appeared in the Hendricks County Flyer - August 2007

Question: I played football in high school and like to stay active in sports and weight training, but lately, I’ve been experiencing pain and limited range of motion in my shoulder.  I suspect a rotator cuff strain or injury.  Am I on the right track?

Answer: Shoulder pain is a common occurrence.  The good news is that the majority of shoulder pain can be treated non-operatively.  Most of the ache in the shoulder of middle aged people is due to an imbalance of the shoulder musculature.   This imbalance causes the muscles in the shoulder to work poorly, leading to impingement of the rotator cuff underneath the tip of your shoulder (acromium).  The common name for this condition is rotator cuff tendonitis or bursitis or impingement syndrome. It can be analogous to the imbalance that occurs on the tires in your car.  Just wear and tear can cause an imbalance or you can run your car into the curb.  The results are the same. You are able to drive the car, but not really well.  Your shoulders can experience the same problem.

With activity modification, physical therapy and the use of nonsteroidal medications the balance can return.  Occasionally your physician may recommend a steroid injection into the subacrominal space (space underneath the acromium where the rotator cuff tendon lies), attempting to bathe the rotator cuff tendon causing a shrinkage of the tendon and preventing an impingement of the rotator cuff.  When the balance is restored, the pain usually decreases.

If conservative measures fail then operative intervention may be necessary.  Your doctor may recommend an acrominoplasty.  This is performed as an outpatient surgery and usually requires approximately 3 months of recovery.  The surgery is designed to increase the space for the rotator cuff tendon, thus stopping the impingement process.   The post operative exercises can now help to balance the shoulder.

If these symptoms sound familiar seek the counsel of an upper extremity surgeon.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Comment on Frozen Shoulder Treatment by Mike Pick

frozen-shoulder-treatment The internet is awash with good and bad advice on how to treat various injuries and conditions.  You should always consult a medical doctor before you start any treatment plan to ensure that you have been diagnosed properly.

If you are suffering from the “cousin” of rotator cuff injury, frozen shoulder,  then treatment involves non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to relieve pain and inflammation over the short term, warm moist heat applied, stretching, range of motion exercises, strengthening exercises and application of ice after exercise.

The key to effective frozen shoulder treatment, and where most people go wrong,  is to use your affected shoulder as much as possible, in order to avoid making your shoulder condition worse.

It’s important to implement shoulder stretching and range of motion exercises to assist in the breaking up of  the “tightening” phase.

Be aware that if you suffer from frozen shoulder and if your pain significantly increases before you get to a position in the range of motion where the  tightness and stiffness starts to be experienced, you are probably a candidate for injection therapy before starting mobilization.

If cortisone shots do not work, the next treatment option for frozen shoulder is manual manipulation by a specialist while you are under anesthesia.

If you want to ensure that your frozen shoulder treatment works, there are 4 things you must keep in mind:

1. Make sure the frozen shoulder exercises you do are specific to the condition, so that you do not make your injury worse.

2. Avoid all activities and exercises that cause shoulder pain.

3. It’s best practice to perform stretching and range of motion exercises with your affected arm daily and apply heat before the exercise and ice after the exercises.

4. Don’t expect your frozen shoulder to be cured overnight.  Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to treating frozen shoulder.  The key is to be consistent, as it can take a great amount of time to heal and recover from this injury.

Not many individuals who suffer from frozen shoulder know that the treatment methods are same as that of a rotator cuff injury.  In fact, there are just 4 simple steps that you need to know and follow.

Even better, you can implement these 4 techniques at home without the need for any medical devices or exercise gadgets to get shoulder pain relief fast and improve your range of motion.

If you’ve had enough of your frozen shoulder pain and want to treat it at home – here’s your chance!

Simply click on the button below to watch a short video tutorial on how easy it is to get started.

frozen shoulder treatment tips

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Throwing Injuries

Spring is here, which means baseball season is in full swing. According to the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission, more than 627,000 baseball-related injuries are treated each year.
The most common injury developed by a throwing athlete is glenohumeral internal rotation deficit, GIRD, which occurs when the athlete loses internal rotation in his shoulder. This happens because as the shoulder stretches to allow more external rotation, the motion just before the athlete lets go of the ball, the tissue on the back of the shoulder tightens. Other injuries to the shoulder include swelling, bicep tendon injuries, rotator cuff tears, abnormal shoulder blade movement and tendonitis. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid these types of injuries.
As young people learn to play baseball, it is imperative that they learn the correct techniques to help protect their throwing arm and other muscles. The USA Baseball Medical & Safety Advisory Committee makes specific recommendations for athletes under age 18. For example, they recommend that athletes ages 8-10 pitch no more than 50 pitches per game, or 75 pitches in a week. Athletes 17-18 can pitch up to 105 pitches per game and up to two games in a week. They also offer recommendations on when athletes of a certain age are prepared to perform certain pitch techniques, including curveballs and fastballs.
When an injury is a direct result of overuse, a non-operative treatment is usually prescribed. Most injuries will respond to ice, splints, rest, rehabilitative exercises and pain medication. In order to properly diagnose the injury and recommend a treatment, it is important to seek the opinion of an orthopedic specialist. If an athlete does not respond to these treatment options, the orthopedic specialist may consider surgery. For example, if an MRI reveals a rotator cuff tear, surgery would be necessary.
To avoid sustaining a throwing injury prepare appropriately for each practice and game. Always take the time to warm and stretch before beginning play. Warm up with a light run around the bases and follow that with gentle stretching of your back, hamstrings and shoulders. If you are under the age of 18, try to follow recommended guidelines, and maintain a balanced training program. If and when you do experience pain or an injury, consult an orthopedic surgeon so you can begin the appropriate track to recovery.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rotator cuff injury cause heart problems?

A rotator cuff injury is mainly related to a tear in the muscles. So there is bound to have heart problems. However, if a suspicion of a possible complication in the heart, then it is imperative to get checked by a healthcare professional. At the other end, focusing on the rotator cuff injury can be solved just by doing exercises for the rotator cuff.

Of course, this should not be any kind of routine, but the superb rotator cuff exercises that comes from rotator cuff recovery Kit. This is because this program is designed to help any guy come back from his injury. It is important that you know that you will be made to recover with these rotator cuff exercises, even when you have passed by injuries in the past.

With the rotator cuff recovery Kit, this time, you will learn the secrets of Mark Watson that will allow you to become more resistant to having some injury. If you get this program, you will surely end up being healthier as you pass through its concern as possible, as well as with his rotator cuff injury.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Rotator Cuff Injury Exercises

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Rotator Cuff Exercises

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Rotator Cuff Injury? - Therapy Can Heal You Naturally

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rotator Cuff Physical Therapy Exercises

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How to take over the control of your rotator cuff disease

Every year, millions of people suffer a tear in their muscles of the rotator cuff.  But there is a possibility that you fast control of this embarrassing situation and even to can treat and cure at home.

There is no doubt that tries to overcome a rotator cuff injury can be difficult and frustrating a task.  We take everyday movements and tasks for are of course not as easy as they once were.  For example, can put your jacket on, do your Bra (if you're a woman), washing you your hair or whatever a good night's rest without rolling on the bad shoulder still so tricky.

First you run to your doctor's Office for advice, but can only be communicated, take anti-inflammatory pills and take it easy for a few days.  But what if those days weeks to weeks, months?  And you have yet to shoulder pain and a strong decline in the shoulder of the normal range of motion?

Does this sound familiar?  Don't worry, I know exactly how you feel!

The truth of the matter is that you actually control how fast you to recover from your injury of the rotator cuff.  Yes, you are in the driver's seat!  And the best thing is that you not while iterate through the recovery process on all of your favorite hobbies or sports to abandon.

Forget help of the most basic task around the House or at work to do is dependent on other enemy.  You can at home in just 4 simple steps to self treat your injuries.  All about rotator cuff pain relief can be found already in your House or garage.

There is no need to buy useless medical equipment or sports equipment is phased out.  You can treat of Rotator Cuff Injury home properly get started now and see a dramatic your shoulder flexibility, a decrease of General pain and an increase in the total strength of the shoulder change in just 48 hours.

It is time to set your shoulder pain behind you, so you can back your life and to enjoy the most basic pleasures in life without having to worry about a bad shoulder?

How to Get Started Today

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

4 Easy Rotator Cuff Home Treatment Steps

With the number of people internet connections growing each and everyday, people are searching the internet for remedies and treatment options for all kinds of injuries and ailments at home.

It is no different for a rotator cuff injury.  But many people are not even aware that there is such a thing as rotator cuff home treatment but you can easily treat and recover from a torn rotator cuff from the comfort of your own living room without medical intervention.

Given the option of taking time off work or making an appointment with a Doctor, especially if you don’t have medical insurance versus seeking out an effective, safe, proven rotator cuff training and treatment program at home, I know which option you would choose!

But in order to be successful, the program has to be easy enough to implement and follow without the need for any special exercise equipment or medical gadgets that a Physical Therapist would have you use.  And that’s exactly what the Rotator Cuff Recovery Kit is all about!

Treating and resolving your torn rotator cuff at home in just 4 simple steps!  This treatment methodology has been successful implemented by hundreds of people around the world and the best part is that it works not matter how long you’ve had your rotator cuff problems.

The home treatment system is laid out in such a way that all you need to do is make a commitment to follow the step-by-step techniques and we guarantee that you will notice a decrease in shoulder pain within 48 hours and a vast improvement in your arms range of motion.

Say goodbye to the your shoulder pain at night and stop relying on others to help you do simple tasks such as putting on your jacket or lifting a box over your head.  Stopping popping the anti-inflammatory pills every 3-4 hours which only provide symptomatic relief.  Isn’t it time you got to the root cause of your rotator cuff injury?

You can get started with this safe, step-by-step treatment system right now without having to get up from the chair you are sitting on.  All you need to do is click on the button below to watch a short video that will reveal 4 steps you can take right now to treat and stop your rotator cuff pain at home!

treat rotator cuff at home fast

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Friday, November 16, 2012

Rotator cuff advice and support

Life with a rotator cuff injury is no walk in the Park.  This shoulder injury affects the lives of millions of people every year.  There are some good and not so good, rotator cuff gives advice.

The article is you facts about this injury just up and help you be restored quickly, so you again that you thought you had to anyone who can get the activities, hobbies or sport, completely give up.

First of all, if you were informed, any kind of shoulder strap, clip or support, you need to carry it out.  The total is by far the most counter immobilization of the shoulder and rotator cuff muscles productive thing what you can do if you are trying to recover.

This is really not the best way in dealing with rotator cuff pain and discomfort.

The shoulder gets very little blood supply as it is.  If you wear a shoulder brace, you are the blood supply or more limit.  Thus for muscle or tendon properly heal can it must get a healthy supply of blood.

Secondly, the best advice of the rotator cuff is not to try and assets to treat your shoulder injury issue.  First relief from a torn rotator cuff must be not too expensive or too expensive.  You don't have to in the waiting room at a doctor or physiotherapist of the Office sit every 2 weeks.  Doctor and physiotherapists make money from "unique" visits not the reason for several follow up visits.

The third piece is helpful advice, that there is such a thing as a treatment of Rotator cuff at home and avoid the costs associated with the doctors together, especially if you have no health insurance.

Forget wash anti-inflammatory pills every few hours, you have to not give up or to avoid, your favorite activities, no need for medical devices useless and the best thing - absolutely no special exercise equipment required.

Yes, finally can your rotator cuff misery and suffering behind you and start your shoulder pain disappear from the comfort of your home to feel.  Note also a dramatic increase in the entire shoulder strength, flexibility, and mobility.  This is the rotator cuff advice you can rely on!

Click on the button below, where a short video will reveal all the details so you can get started immediately!

View the original article here

Affordable Cheap Ways to Heal Your Rotator Cuff

affordable-heal-rotator-cuff There are 2 obstacles to overcoming your rotator cuff injury.

First is trying to get your shoulder pain under control so you can carry on with your daily chores and activities.

Second is cost.  Many individuals who have a rotator cuff injury think that the more money they throw at trying to heal and recover from their injury, the faster this will occur!  This is absolutely ridiculous!

The internet has allowed everyone to gain access to free information to give people advice on all kinds of injuries, including a rotator cuff injury.  You need to be careful that the source is reputable and be sure to read any and all customer testimonials that the website should have.

If you have already visited your Doctor, he/she most likely told you to take some anti-inflammatory pills and take it easy for a week to 10 days to deal with your rotator cuff problems.  In a worst case scenario, your Doctor referred you to a Physical Therapist.  This can cost you out of pocket hundreds, if not thousands of dollars – especially if you don’t have medical insurance.

There is however a safe, proven and affordable way to overcome your torn rotator cuff injury that’s helped hundreds of sufferers recover from their shoulder injury at home for a fraction of the cost of Doctors and Physical Therapy.

What makes this program so effective is that you don’t have to sign up at a gym or fitness center to do exercises on bulky exercise equipment or take time out of your busy day to visit Doctors.  It gets even better…

There is no need for medical devices or specialized exercise equipment.  You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home or office.  You can implement simple, easy-to-follow techniques and improve your shoulder’s range of motion in just 48 hours

This program has been designed and developed with the average rotator cuff sufferer in mind and is therefore well within the reach of anybody and everybody in need of a safe and straight forward approach to treating their rotator cuff injury.

All it takes is a commitment from you to follow along in this step-by-step home treatment system!  If you’ve had enough of your shoulder pain at night and are sick of sitting on the sidelines because of a bad shoulder and want to get back to all your favorite past times, activities and hobbies,  here’s your chance!

rotator cuff affordable way

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

4 Things you know not your rotator cuff

I'm not sure how this developed, but many people think that your rotator cuff is the same as your shoulder joint.  So if you have any type of shoulder stiffness and pain, they automatically think is your rotator cuff which acts.

This is the first thing you probably didn't know about your rotator cuff.  It is composed of four different muscles and is not common at all!

The second thing you should know about your rotator cuff is the name of these muscles.  You are the subscapularis, supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, and Teres minor.  A tear in one of these four muscles can be diagnosed as a rotator cuff tear.

It is the third on the rotator cuff, which you should know that a muscle weakness or imbalance in the muscles can cause a severe shoulder pain and discomfort.  This places burden on your shoulder joint itself and affects your low-normal range of motion.  You may have difficulty, lift your arm over the head before you out or out on your page.

The fourth and last thing, how you for your injuries rotator cuff to ensure is that you do not spend a fortune on the treatment, to recover completely.  It is a 100% all natural and effective methods of treatment for your injured rotator cuff, which takes just 4 simple steps.

No need to run out to spend your doctors or weeks, a physiotherapy clinic where you can get just as fast pain relief at home and it won't cost a penny!  No drugs, no brackets remove the shoulder, no painful cortisone shots, and definitely no time or away from your favorite hobbies or activities.

Yes, you can take part in all your sports and hobby, how to use these effective and proven home treatment system started.

Click here to see that these 4 simple steps in action!

View the original article here

How you take care your torn rotator cuff

Believe it or not, there are simple things, the one for maintaining easy rotator cuff without her your job announces or activity to avoid all together.

Remain active with your normal daily activities are actual help you home to stay healthy more quickly in contrast and "babying" the shoulder.  Keep in mind that if your profession lift or handle effort then you may need items, you are looking for ways to change it.  Perhaps with a head or retrieve forklift items on high shelves could be a solution.

If you sit at a computer workstation for 8 hours per day, you must change your Chair, sitting position, or screen height to take stress or tension from shoulders.

Here are a few of the rotator cuff guidelines and shoulder rotator cuff tips in mind keep as you attempt this restore persistent injuries:

You change things like you instead of a total stop to do.Not too long sitting in a position as the shoulder is rather up stiff.Be sure that mini break in the day to make, especially if your repetitive tasks in the Beruf.Nur move the shoulder in terms of pain-free and do not try lines or to the point where you experience aches and pains, to enforce.

One of the more difficult tasks in an attempt to support your torn rotator cuff puts on your jacket or shirt without the help of others.  Here is how it pain-free.

First, put the bad shoulder in the sleeve.  Then with your good shoulder/arm, overhead, you place your shirt or jacket to your body.  You need to turn your body a little, to get the job done.

For those who slept a hard time with a torn rotator cuff, try sleeping with a pillow under shoulder injured.

Tighten the seat belt can be a great challenge.  Instead of a two hands, if you resort back to the seat belt away use.  You need to turn your body a little.

So, there are some helpful tips when caring for your rotator cuff injuries.  But what is a full recovery?

You repair and heal your torn rotator cuff with 4 simple steps from the comfort of home without the need for doctors, medicines, physical therapy, or any other kind of medical devices or equipment.

Click here to see a short video where you can see these 4 steps are as simple as you can for your rotator cuff at home.

View the original article here


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rotator Cuff Pain Relief in Just 48 Hours

Wie mit Technologien modernsten hat, hat fast jeder Ecke der Erde Zugang zum Internet, wo Sie frei Fragen beantwortet haben können.  Vor 1990 Wenn Sie Hilfe für jede Art von Verletzung oder Erkrankung müssten Sie Ihren Arzt aufsuchen.  Aber jetzt, finden Sie schnell die Lösung zu Ihrer Verletzung online Dank des Internets.

Dies bedeutet, dass wenn man jetzt Rotatorenmanschette Schmerzlinderung bequem vom eigenen Wohnzimmer ohne aufzustehen und zu Geld für Ärzte oder Physiotherapeuten.

Wenn Sie Ihrem Arzt Ihre Geschädigten Rotatorenmanschette gesehen habe, ist das was er/Sie wahrscheinlich gesagt, "Ice Ihre Schulter taub zweimal am Tag, nehmen Sie entzündungshemmende Pillen alle 3-4 Stunden und nicht etwas schweres Heben."  Oder der schlimmste Fall ist, dass Sie für die Operation der Rotatorenmanschette (obwohl dies nur erforderlich ist, wenn Sie eine komplette Träne haben) eingeplant werden.

Vielleicht hat Ihr Arzt empfohlen, dass Sie ein Physiotherapeut 2 dreimal pro Woche für 6-8 Wochen, sehen, die sehr teuer sein kann.

Aber was passiert, wenn ich Ihnen gesagt, dass es ein Schritt 4 Rotatorenmanschette Hause Behandlungsprogramm, die Ihnen kann Schmerzlinderung aus der Rotatorenmanschette in nur 48 Stunden zu Hause ohne ein Vermögen auf Physio oder Ärzte.  Würden Sie interessieren?

Besteht keine Notwendigkeit zum Verbraucher über Ihr hart verdientes Geld auf Physio oder Ärzten besteht eine bewährte Formel 4 Schritt für die Behandlung der Rotatorenmanschette, die leicht zugänglich und zu Hause umgesetzt.  Noch besser ist, dass Sie nicht verschwenden Geld für Medizinprodukte oder Sportgeräte, denn alles was Sie brauchen, um Ihre Rotatorenmanschette Schmerzen zu lindern bereits in Ihrem Haus finden müssen.

Sie sehen eine Zunahme Ihrer verletzten Schulter Bereich der Bewegung und eine Abnahme der Steifigkeit Schulter in nur 48 Stunden, wenn Sie in diesem Hause Behandlungssystem heute beginnen!

Alles was man braucht ist nur 5 Minuten täglich 4 einfache Schritten folgen und Ihre Rotatorenmanschette Schmerzen komplett verschwunden sein wird!

Get Started Today

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Rotator cuff guidelines

There are always best practices and safe measures, you should be aware if you suffer a personal injury.  So if you are beaten with a rotator cuff injury, what should you do to ensure a safe and quick recovery?

There are guidelines that you should immediately implement rotator cuff.  Otherwise, could you do very well even worse your injury and extend the amount of time that it takes until the fully recover.

If you have recently suffered a tear in your rotator cuff, you know how much can be a nuisance for this damage.  Simple, everyday tasks, we have granted as the hair shampooing your coat put on or can be so difficult and painful.

Tell if / when you see your doctor, he may guidelines about specific rotator cuff followed and implemented, but...

It may not be, rotator cuff tips you want to hear.  Some doctor recommend a series of cortisone injections or shots as a treatment option.  Although there is an option, she should be considered only when all other possibilities have exploited and tested.

It would be important to know exactly who the four muscles of the rotator cuff, which you have violated.  This enables a more detailed strategy for rehabilitation and treatment.  You focus on and to isolate the muscle you have ripped, and is responsible for all of your pain and discomfort.

Even if you have not, minor torn subscapularis, Infraspinatus, supraspinatus, or Teres, it is possible that a muscular imbalance or weakness in any of these four muscles could be blamed on your shoulder stiffness.

What are the best guidelines for a violation of the rotator cuff as soon recover and return to your daily activities without pain?

First to isolate the cause of your injury.  The chances are that it is a repetitive motion, who do you either daily or every other day.  Search for activities or movements, in which lift your arms overhead for a long time or perhaps movements, where fast and quick rotation.

Secondly, you need to start, strengthen your rotator cuff muscles, have any chance of a full recovery.  The longer your injuries, wait to treat, the worse it will get.

But the best thing is, can that you sit any physician or Office run the physiotherapist, you do the exercises at home for free.

Click here to 4 simple steps to your shoulder pain immediately stop and start is recovered from your rotator cuff injury.

View the original article here

To handle your rotator cuff pain

Is a big problem for many people suffer from one injury to the rotator cuff have know how to deal with the pain and actually realize they have plucked one of their muscles of the rotator cuff.  When you tell friends or family that the shoulder hurts, they will probably say "It is probably your rotator cuff".

First, you should distinguish between the different types of muscles that make up the rotator cuff prior to starting treatment.

If you are suffering from a torn rotator cuff, you have torn one or more of the following muscles:

SubscapularisSupraspinatusInfraspinatusTeres minor

A small crack or load on one of the 4 muscles can cause a slew of aches and pains in your shoulder area.  One of the problems with the treatment of your rotator cuff injuries is that your pain increases during the course of the day.

There are many causes of Rotator cuff injury, but most commonly is constantly lifting heavy objects overhead or performance fast arm rotation actions on a daily or weekly basis.

With the time you are ready to go to bed the pain is really her on the scale and you a good night's sleep get on can not because you fear you'll have roles on the injured shoulder.

It is fact, that injured rotator cuff are the most common cause of shoulder pain.

Another problem you have to deal with the tries to will, as you go about your daily work with the pain and to do tasks and to be dependent on them without any other help.  If you are suffering from a rotator cuff injury, your range of motion is strongly influenced and affected.  Try to set or retrieve items on a high shelf or Cabinet is almost impossible without help from others.

If your rotator cuff pain this phase, it impact on your mental health start and you can quickly slip you feel in the depression and useless, your freedom may tasks the most basic has unfortunately drastically been affected.

Dealing with your rotator cuff pain must be not so difficult, expensive or prevent that you still enjoy your favorite activities, hobbies or daily tasks.  There is a simple 4 step treatment program, the repair of your torn rotator cuff comfort of your own home.

Everything you need on your side is a commitment, the blueprint formula for proven rotator cuff pain relief, to follow every second day.  And the best thing is that you need no special equipment to get started!

How to Get Started Today

View the original article here

Monday, November 12, 2012

10 Do’s and Don’ts if You Have a Rotator Cuff Tear

10-dos-donts-rotator-cuff Ask anyone who has suffered a rotator cuff injury what it’s like.  They will tell you that it is one of the most annoying, stubborn and painful injuries to have.  The worst part is that as the day goes on, your shoulder pain increases significantly and is worst when you go to bed.

The majority of shoulder problems are usually caused by some sort of rotator cuff imbalance, impingement or tear.  If you have a complete tear in any one of your four rotator cuff muscles, then I’m sorry to say you will need surgery to repair it.

But what if you “suspect” or have been diagnosed with a rotator cuff injury?  What should you do?  Where should you start?

Here is a list of 10 do’s and don’ts when it comes to your rotator cuff tear:

Do have your shoulder professionally diagnosed by your Doctor.  Only a Medical Doctor can for sure say that you are suffering from torn rotator cuff or perhaps some other shoulder disability.Do seek treatment ASAP.  Reason being is that rotator cuff injuries usually get worse if left untreated.Do apply ice when you first experience shoulder pain, discomfort, stiffness or a decrease in your shoulder’s normal range of motion.Do seek out stretches you can do at home to help improve your range of motion and flexibility.Do learn as much as you can about your rotator cuff injury and seek out the root cause of your injury.Don’t delay and wait for your shoulder pain to get so bad that you have to take time off work or you can’t put on your jacket without help.Don’t wear a shoulder brace or wrap.   This will actually make your rotator cuff injury worse!  Totally immobilization of your injured shoulder only promotes stiffness and decreases healthy blood flow.Don’t get cortisone injections or shots.  Even though you may experience a little pain in relief in the short term, over the long term they do not work!Don’t fall into the trap of washing down anti-inflammatory pills every 2-4 hours for shoulder pain relief.  Doing so only masks your pain and does nothing to get to the root cause of your injury.Don’t purchase any medical gadgets or devices.  There is no “magical pill” that you can take, you need a proven treatment plan and strategy, and the sooner the better!

What you need is a proven treatment system such as the Rotator Cuff Recovery Kit to help strengthen your damaged rotator cuff muscles.

The best way to recover from any sort of repetitive strain injury is through stretching, exercising and strengthening.  But what many people think is that they have to spend a small fortune or take time out of their busy schedule to go to physical therapy or Doctor appointments.

This is absolutely false!  All you really need are 4 simple steps that you can do from the comfort of your own living room, watching your favorite TV Show!

If you are serious about getting repairing your rotator cuff so you can get back to all your favorite activities again, click on the button below to learn 4 steps you can do right now at home.

rotator cuff dos and don'ts

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