The internet is awash with good and bad advice on how to treat various injuries and conditions. You should always consult a medical doctor before you start any treatment plan to ensure that you have been diagnosed properly.
If you are suffering from the “cousin” of rotator cuff injury, frozen shoulder, then treatment involves non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to relieve pain and inflammation over the short term, warm moist heat applied, stretching, range of motion exercises, strengthening exercises and application of ice after exercise.
The key to effective frozen shoulder treatment, and where most people go wrong, is to use your affected shoulder as much as possible, in order to avoid making your shoulder condition worse.
It’s important to implement shoulder stretching and range of motion exercises to assist in the breaking up of the “tightening” phase.
Be aware that if you suffer from frozen shoulder and if your pain significantly increases before you get to a position in the range of motion where the tightness and stiffness starts to be experienced, you are probably a candidate for injection therapy before starting mobilization.
If cortisone shots do not work, the next treatment option for frozen shoulder is manual manipulation by a specialist while you are under anesthesia.
If you want to ensure that your frozen shoulder treatment works, there are 4 things you must keep in mind:
1. Make sure the frozen shoulder exercises you do are specific to the condition, so that you do not make your injury worse.
2. Avoid all activities and exercises that cause shoulder pain.
3. It’s best practice to perform stretching and range of motion exercises with your affected arm daily and apply heat before the exercise and ice after the exercises.
4. Don’t expect your frozen shoulder to be cured overnight. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to treating frozen shoulder. The key is to be consistent, as it can take a great amount of time to heal and recover from this injury.
Not many individuals who suffer from frozen shoulder know that the treatment methods are same as that of a rotator cuff injury. In fact, there are just 4 simple steps that you need to know and follow.
Even better, you can implement these 4 techniques at home without the need for any medical devices or exercise gadgets to get shoulder pain relief fast and improve your range of motion.
If you’ve had enough of your frozen shoulder pain and want to treat it at home – here’s your chance!
Simply click on the button below to watch a short video tutorial on how easy it is to get started.
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