Shoulder Joint Pain Treatment

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Comment on Shoulder Pain At Night by duane

shoulder pain at night As many as 30 percent of the population will suffer some type of shoulder injury in their lifetime.  It’s bad enough that your shoulder injury can impact your daily activities but what if you have shoulder pain at night?  This can dramatically affect your sleeping pattern and cut down on the amount of sleep you get every night.

And we all know that people who get less than the 7-8 hours of recommended sleep each night are at a higher risk of developing many of the major diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Before we learn why it is you have shoulder pain at night, it’s important to learn which type of shoulder injury it is you are suffering from so we can rule out ‘I just slept in weird position one night and that’s why my shoulder hurts’.

There are 4 common shoulder injuries that you could be suffering from which could be causing your shoulder pain at night:  Bursitis, Tendonitis, Rotator Cuff , or a Frozen shoulder injury.  Let’s examine more closely each of these type of injuries so you know for sure which one it is you are suffering with.

Shoulder Bursitis is typically described as pain that originates in the upper arm.  The bursa is a fluid filled sac that keeps the tendons and muscles of the shoulder lubricated and moving freely.  An injury such as shoulder bursitis typically occurs when you fall onto a hard surface with your shoulder or you receive blunt force trauma to your shoulder or upper arm.  Shoulder bursitis can sometimes occur from performing repetitive activities that involves excessive shoulder rotation over a period of time but some people report bursitis developing suddenly out of nowhere.

The way to really tell if you have shoulder bursitis is that if the pain sometimes radiates down your arm, past your elbow and into your wrist, then there is a good chance you are suffering from shoulder bursitis.  Pain in your shoulder increases when you lift your arm over your head or you lie on your injured shoulder.  Bursitis is common in people who perform activities such as hanging drapes, wallpaper, painting and/or washing windows – just to name a few.

Another common type of shoulder injury is frozen shoulder.  Frozen shoulder is typically described as a shoulder injury that decreases the range of motion of the shoulder.  Sufferers of frozen shoulder usually describe difficulties in moving their arm across their body, reaching behind their back or raising the arm above their head.

The strangest thing with a frozen shoulder injury is that the cause of this injury is pretty much unknown.  But what is known is that frozen shoulder commonly occurs in people who have extended periods of a lack of mobilization of the shoulder and arm, had experienced a previous shoulder injury or trauma or have had shoulder surgery in the past.

And last but definitely not least, a rotator cuff/shoulder tendonitis injury.  This is by far the most commonly reported type of shoulder injury that affects millions of people every year.  Rotator cuff injuries most commonly occur in the workplace, sports arena or pretty much any type of physical activity or sport.  It knows no gender or age.

But the real tell tale sign of a rotator cuff injury is shoulder pain at night.  As the day goes on, rotator cuff sufferers report an increase in muscle weakness and tenderness in the shoulder combined with a cracking or grinding noise when they raise their arm out to the side or in front of them due to their rotator cuff tear.  A rotator cuff injury rarely comes on all of a sudden.  It’s usually a result of performing some sort of repetitive actions on a daily or weekly basis that involves excessive shoulder rotation or lifting heavy objects overhead.

Some of the more high risk activities and groups of people who may develop a rotator cuff injury include:  weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, skiers, any sport that involves throwing, rugby players, painters, postal workers, hairdressers, golfers, dentists, dental assistants, cashiers, construction workers, assembly line workers – just to name a few.

But here’s the good news!  You can completely eliminate your shoulder pain at night and get a good nights rest each and every night!  All it really takes to completely stop your shoulder pain and cure your nagging rotator cuff injury are 4 simple, step-by-step techniques that you can do from the comfort of your own living room without any special exercise equipment or gadgets!

If you’ve had enough of the sleepless nights, tossing and turning, and feel tired when you wake up in the morning, here’s your chance to fix your shoulder pain right now!

shoulder pain at night

View the original article here

1 comment:

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