Shoulder Joint Pain Treatment

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Male Athletes Suffer More Shoulder Injuries

A recent study published in the Journal of Athletic Training determined that male high school athletes in the United States are more likely than girls to suffer shoulder injuries. Researchers also found that shoulder injuries were three times more likely to occur during competition than in practice of football, baseball and wrestling.

The most common shoulder injuries included sprains, strains, dislocations, separations and fractures. Of those injuries, 6 percent required surgery, and dislocations and separations accounted for more than half of all shoulder surgeries. In addition to surgery, rehabilitation was extensive, with almost one in four athletes missing at least three weeks of their athletic season following their shoulder injury.

These findings illustrate that athletes need to take precautionary measures while competing. Following are a few things to consider:

• Do not ignore shoulder pain and “play through” an injury. This will only aggravate the condition and may possibly cause more problems.

• Early detection is key to prevent serious shoulder injuries.

• There are a number of shoulder exercises that athletes can do to strengthen their shoulder muscles, including:

- Basic shoulder strengthening – Attach elastic tubing to a doorknob at home. Gently pull the elastic tubing toward your body. Hold for a count of five. Repeat five times with each arm. Perform twice a day.

- Wall push-ups – Stand facing a wall with your hands on the wall and your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly perform a push-up. Repeat five times. Hold for a count of five. Perform twice a day.

- Shoulder press-ups – Sit upright in a chair with armrest, with your feet touching the floor. Use your arms to slowly rise off the chair. Hold for a count of five. Repeat five times. Perform twice a day.
If you think you might be suffering from a shoulder injury, seek medical attention immediately. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

View the original article here

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